
May 9, 2017

13 Reasons Why You Want To File For Patent Protection in Hong Kong

Written by Ilene Goldberg

Hong Kong patent protection is fairly simple to obtain and less expensive than filing for patent protection in many other industrialized countries. Here are 13 reasons why you may want to consider filing for patent protection in Hong Kong:

  1. Hong Kong has a population of over 7.4 million people
  2. It is the world's fourth most densely populated sovereign state or territory
  3. It has one of the world’s highest per capita incomes
  4. It is the world's eighth to eleventh largest trading entity, with the total value of imports and exports exceeding its gross domestic product
  5. It is the world’s largest re-export center
  6. Hong Kong maintains a separate political, economic, executive, legislative and judicial system from China except in military defense and foreign affairs
  7. It has a high-quality legal framework, which provides effective protection of property rights and strong support for the rule of law
  8. There is low tolerance for corruption, and government integrity is buttressed by a high degree of transparency
  9. Hong Kong patents can be used to stop the shipping of products through Hong Kong to halt imports into and exports out of Southern China
  10. Hong Kong patents can prevent infringing products from being offered for sale directly to potential customers at some of the World’s largest trade shows
  11. Hong Kong awards and judgments can be enforced in Chinese courts against Hong Kong infringers
  12. Hong Kong courts grant relatively large damage awards
  13. It is relatively easy to obtain a Hong Kong patent